World of Wine

Josep Roca Fontané (Girona, 1966) has the methodical view of one whose daily task it is to describe the pleasure-creating machine that is El Celler de Can Roca to his customers. It is he who speaks of drinks and culinary delights, describing and presenting them: the power of the...
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Awards season

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The month of May is awards season par excellence. Several important competitions are held and many Spanish wines have received several awards and recognition. One of the most anticipated awards at this time of year, directly or indirectly linked, depending on your point of view, to the world of wine, is the world’s best restaurant competition. The...
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When you are flicking through this magazine, it will be one year since the publication of the first issue of Selectus Wines. It’s been a long, hard slog, both personally and financially. We have a great group of collaborators - the photographic team and the tasting panel who bring up the rear and to whom the magazine owes its image - and a great...
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Wine, food and good fare are three concepts that are totally inseparable for sommelier Isabelle Brunet and which have always stayed with her, ever since she began helping in the family restaurant aged 10 years old. She has a stack of knowledge about terrain, from her experiences...
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The Danish enfant terrible, blonde like the beer, touched down in the Ribera del Duero at the beginning of the 1990s and caused a commotion, in the best sense of the word. His successful career took off in an old Quintanilla de Onésimo bodega. Today, almost 20 years later, he is still there in the old bodega, carefully extended and converted into...
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In the small town of Gratallops, the highly regarded oenologist Álvaro Palacios started in 1989 his personal project to make a great classic wine. 23 years later the results speak for themselves and L’Ermita has become a wine that needs no introduction. Adopting the age-old...
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I hope that our readers will forgive me, but I feel I must dedicate this editorial to my friend Toni. It is an editorial that I had hoped I would never have to write, but regrettably I have to do so. My friend, Toni Magrané, (“l´Antoniu” as he was known to his closest friends) a wonderful person and one of the main driving forces and reasons why...
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The end of the year is coming ever closer upon us, bringing with it the traditional desire for sharing, eating and drinking excellent, first-rate fare. Naturally Champagne and fine Cava partly cover this delectation, but many want their Christmas Eve dinner or Christmas Day...
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The end of the year is coming ever closer upon us, bringing with it the traditional desire for sharing, eating and drinking excellent, first-rate fare. Naturally Champagne and fine Cava partly cover this delectation, but many want their Christmas Eve dinner or Christmas Day...
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The consumption of wine at home continues to fall. The national average now stands at 9 litres per person a year. During 2011, according to the Spanish Wine Market Observatory, new decreases were recorded: of 1.2% in value and 1.6% in volume. Faced with this picture, wineries continue to sharpen their wits with the focus on imaginative marketing...
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