New Issue: Selectus Wines Magazine July 2018
As we reach that time of year when temperatures soar and people flock to the beach, it seems that everyone is soon heading for the beach bars and restaurants for that much-desired beer, soda or simply a bottle of water, missing the opportunity to enjoy a nice glass of wine.
If wine is served at the right temperature for the season, it can be enjoyed just as much, if not more, than any other “summer” beverage. It is true that a white, rosé or sparkling wine is perhaps more appealing than a red at this time of year, but even the latter doesn’t have to be summer’s “ugly duckling”.
After this plug for summer wine consumption, we now invite you to dive into our magazine, in which you will find an extended interview with Xavier Gramona. There are also excellent articles from our usual contributors. This issue sees the return of two sections that, for technical reasons, did not feature in recent editions: the first, on the “world’s best wine shops”, takes a look at an extraordinary wine shop in Bordeaux, and the other is a report on an impressive wine auction at Sotheby’s.
So sit back, relax and enjoy... with a glass of wine, of course.