New Issue: Selectus Wines Magazine January 2019
2018 is coming to a close. And, after a year that has brought us good tidings and a prestigious award, you find us in good spirits! The recognition we have received from our industry peers is validation of the vision we had back in 2011, when the idea for this magazine was first muted and the Selectus Wines adventure got underway. We will therefore continue to work along the same editorial lines founded on the rigorous quality of the articles we publish.
We are starting a new year that we hope will be even better than the old, as we have some exciting new ideas that, if all goes well, will be introduced from the April-June issue. We hope that these new ideas, which we are keeping under wraps for now, will be to your liking. We’ll just have to wait and see!
So, for now, let's focus on this new issue which closes one year and start the next. In it, you will find a short, but interesting interview with the new chairman of the Cava Regulatory Board, who tells us how the cava industry is faring and about his plans for the sector in the next few years.
And a special mention for the events that we report on in this issue, particularly the ones we attended in person and that we are not likely to forget for a very long time… Of course, the IWC Merchant Awards ceremony at which we picked up the Award for the Best Spanish Wine Magazine of 2018, as well as our trip to the new TOEwine exhibition in Shenzhen, are chief among these.
In this issue, you will also find some tasting notes for the wines we are recommending for the festive season, which we hope you will enjoy with your family and friends.
So, without further ado, we wish you all the best for 2019 and invite you to pick up your magazine, sit back and enjoy…